"It is our choices that show us what we truly are, far more than our abilities." ~ Albus Dumbledore

Saturday, April 22, 2017

ACT Monday and Wednesday

On Monday and Wednesday your child will be taking the ACT Aspire.  This test is timed, so there is no chance of it taking hours in one sitting. I will provide a power snack for your kiddos on these two days; however, we will not be having breakfast in class. 

Please ensure your child:
-has plenty of rest
-eats breakfast
-takes a water bottle and snacks to school
-I'll provide gum, but if they're particular, you are welcome to send them with some :o) 
-brings their headphones
-is on time to school

If your child is really nervous, maybe pack them a special snack to have during testing with a little note of encouragement. 

On another note, these tests for the next three weeks can be stressful. I have reiterated to my students (and even my own child who is getting nervous) that they will be just fine. We have been "preparing" for these tests all year as they are based on standards we've covered. They need to just breathe, take their time and do their best. We will all be proud of their efforts. It's hard to sit and test all day long, I truly feel for the kids - Mrs. Moon and I do our best to make the test days fun and low-stress with the breakfasts, longer recesses, and relaxing project filled afternoons. 

On Thursday, we will be taking a peek at the SBAC. Students will get to go on the practice site and learn how to navigate and use the tools. This sometimes eases nerves as they become familiar with the test prior to actually taking it.