"It is our choices that show us what we truly are, far more than our abilities." ~ Albus Dumbledore

Thursday, October 6, 2016

October 3-6

We've continued to review. Please remember to check your child's Edmodo.
On Thursday we had a Latin/Greek test. These can be studied at home as well as school.  Your child received new spelling words on Monday and will test on Thursday, October 13.

We wrote an opinion paper on candy corn. On Monday, the students taste-tested it and decided whether or not it was one of the best Halloween candies. We identified facts that support our opinions. These are posted in the hall.

I worked with small groups to review parts of speech, while other students reviewed by completing Mad Libs.

We worked on our catapults.

We are almost already done with the first quarter. Time flies in 3rd grade. I am enjoying your children so much - they are sweet, funny and just a joy to have.
Fall break is coming up the week of the 17th.