"It is our choices that show us what we truly are, far more than our abilities." ~ Albus Dumbledore

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Dec. 5-8

On Monday and Tuesday we read fables and discussed theme using evidence to support our answers. On Wednesday and Thursday the students learned about literal and figurative (non-literal).  The students received idioms and drew the literal interpretation and the figurative interpretation.

Spelling: Students had a spelling test on Thursday. Please note that they will not receive new words until after our break.

LG: We took notes on new roots and the students will test on 12/15.

Writing: Students are finishing up their winter Goldilocks stories. They'll share on Monday/Tuesday and complete several short writing prompts.

We reviewed simple, compound and complex sentences and assessed on Thursday.

The 51st state projects are turning out so well. They have been working very hard. We will be ready to present on Tuesday, December 20. We'll most likely start presenting at 2:30 - more details will come out later this week via email.

Secret Santa:
We will draw names on Monday! Please reiterate the importance and fun of keeping this a secret. We will brainstorm gift ideas. Please, keep the gift cost to no more than $5.
Your child may start bringing in their gifts right away. Please put the gift tag on the bottom of the present so nobody knows who it's to - leave the 'from' section blank. They always remember who got what gift.   This is my favorite time of year! I can't wait for all of our festivities :o)

PICTURES - there are new cute pictures posted!