"It is our choices that show us what we truly are, far more than our abilities." ~ Albus Dumbledore

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Nov. 28 - Dec. 1

This week we learned about summarizing.
LG: Students had a Latin/Greek test and will receive new words on Monday (12/5).
Spelling: Students received new words on Monday. Please note that these words should always be in your child's binder in a sheet protector if you'd like to practice with them. We will test on 12/8.

We are writing our own winter versions of Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

This week we learned about complex sentences (dependent and independent clauses / subordinating conjunctions).

Students are continuing their 51st state project. We are hoping to be done before Christmas break.

December 22 is the last day of school before our break.
We will have a fun-filled day on the 22nd. In the afternoon we will exchange Secret Santa gifts, watch a holiday movie, and have popcorn/hot chocolate. I LOVE this time of year!!

Secret Santa:
We will have a Secret Santa gift exchange on the 22nd. I will have the students draw names on either the 8th or the 12th. Keeping a secret for too long is hard! However, I do want you to have time to get a gift. The gift limit is $5. We will brainstorm ideas and share our interests with each other the day we draw names. If you cannot purchase a gift, please let me know. Also, if you know you're going to be gone the 22nd, let me know so your child's name is not in the secret Santa drawing.  I will send out more information as this time gets closer.